Mindfulness: the secret to a better life

It’s one of the most talked about concepts today, but we don’t always know what it means, if it really works and how it can contribute to a healthier lifestyle. Mindfulness is nothing more or less than focusing on the present moment.
With roots in Buddhist meditation, mindfulness guides those who practice it in the art of paying attention, reflecting and enjoying the thoughts and feelings of the moment, with a large dose of self-compassion and without judgment.
What does it consist of?
Mindfulness doesn’t necessarily have to involve the typical idea of a silent meditation. It should be carried out in a calm environment, so that we can concentrate on the present and distract ourselves from any thoughts that may arise. It can be practiced while eating, reading or taking a stroll, for example, and there is no daily limit to doing it.
The focus should be on your breathing and other sensations in your body and refraining from thinking about anything other than the present moment. If thoughts continue to arise, we should try to focus on the now again. The practice of mindfulness involves looking at the thoughts and emotions of the moment with curiosity and kindness.
In addition to meditation, there are also therapeutic approaches in the field of psychology that incorporate mindfulness into their approaches. Examples include holistic therapy, somatic experience, cognitive-behavioral therapy and ecotherapy. For mental health professionals who adopt this method, mindfulness helps patients better understand how what they think and feel can lead them to a state of greater tranquillity.
What are the health benefits?
This philosophy of well-being has already proven how it can improve our health. Mindfulness can improve brain function and slow down ageing. A 2020 study showed that the 50 meditation practitioners surveyed lost less brain tissue per year, particularly in the areas responsible for regulating mood and processing the nervous system.
Several studies also point to a reduction in anxiety and depression levels associated with the practice of mindfulness. During the pandemic, this type of meditation was seen as a complement to psychological treatment for anxiety and, together with progressive muscle relaxation, proved to be very useful in combating panic attacks.
This set of techniques also promotes lower blood pressure and its continuous practice improves sleep quality and associated illnesses. For chronic patients, mindfulness is a strong ally in supporting pain and increasing quality of life.
Liquid-Land and Mindfulness: the power of self-care
Redirecting our thoughts and emotions to the present moment can lead to a more balanced and carefree life. However, we shouldn’t neglect our self-esteem and skin care. Remember: physical and mental well-being always go hand in hand.
Skincare is one of the few moments when we are alone with our thoughts. Each drop of Liquid-Land Mediterranean Pine Seed Oil is a step on a journey of self-care and symbolizes the will to treat ourselves better and connect with our inner self.
In mindfulness, the mind is the key to happiness; in skincare, it’s our skin that mirrors the way we look after ourselves. Liquid-Land gives us a greater sense of inner peace and aligns our rhythm with that of nature. After all, that’s the only way to be well.
Sources: healthline; News in Health